Inspired by the traditional Dominican yuca bread recipe, these are easier to make, more attractive, and great to serve as picadera (party food).


Cassava (yuca) | Salt | Butter | Anissed | Pork crackling | Vegetable oil | Chicken broth   

Grating yuca

Grate using the least coarse side of the grater. Place the grated cassava on a clean cotton cloth and squeeze as much liquid as you can.

When you have finished straining the cassava, measure the amount of liquid that you extracted

Measuring broth

Measure that same amount of chicken broth. You may discard the liquid extracted from the cassava. \


Add the cracklings to the cassava mixture and mix well. Mix broth, with salt to taste. Add butter and aniseed. Combine with the yuca and mix well. \


Place the mixture in a large non-stick pan and heat over low heat. Cook stirring constantly.  turning the mixture at the bottom until it turns into a darker, and translucent color

Once it is completely cooked, and is sticky and translucent, remove it from the heat and place it into another container. Let it cool down to room temperature.

Making the buns

Rub oil on your hands and place ¼ cup of mixture on your hand. Form balls with it and place it on an oiled baking tray or silpat.


Bake in preheated oven to 400 ºF [200ºC] until the top turns a light golden color (15-20 minutes). Remove from the heat, serve warm.

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