Try This Pineapple Fudge

Dulce de piña con leche is a wonderful combination, with the gentle tartness of pineapple, the creaminess of milk, and some of our favorite spices. But there's a trick to making it, and here's how I make one of our easiest treats.

– 6 cups whole milk – 1 cup brown sugar, divided amount – 3 cinnamon sticks – 6 cloves cloves – ½ pineapple, whole , peeled, cored, and diced or grated – ¼ teaspoon salt – 2 teaspoons vanilla extract – ½ teaspoon lime zest, or orange zest


Making dulce de leche:

Combine milk, ½ cup sugar, cinnamon, and cloves in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Simmer until the milk is reduced to a quarter of the volume (30 mins approx.). Stir frequently, and watch that it does not overboil during cooking. Cool to room temperature and then in the refrigerator for two to three hours (it should be well chilled). Meanwhile, prepare the pineapple candy as indicated below.

Making pineapple jam:

In a medium saucepan, mix the minced or grated pineapple, 1 cup of water, the pinch of salt, vanilla, and lemon or orange zest, and the remaining sugar. Cover and boil over medium heat until the pineapple is soft and has the consistency of jam. Let the remaining liquid evaporate. Chill at room temperature and then in the refrigerator for two to three hours (it should be well chilled).


Once both candies are cold, mix the pineapple candy with the milk fudge and place it in a sealed container or glass pot. Store in the refrigerator for another hour or overnight before serving. Serve cold. Always keep chilled so it doesn't cut. It can last up to three days chilled.

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